%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Template file just to demonstrate possible values of different parameters used in the *.hea files %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % File header is used to read the corresponding *.dat file XYZ 2 4 19200 XYZ.dat 16 1 12 0 143 2471 0 FHR XYZ.dat 16 1 12 0 4 11028 0 UC #----- Aditional parameters for record XYZ #-- Outcome measures (please refer to the text for details) #pH 7.16 : Umbilical cord artery pH #BDecf 1.93 : Umbilical cord artery Base Deficit in extraceluar fluid #pCO2 9.8 : Partial pressure of CO2 #BE -4.6 : BaseExcess #Apgar1 9 : Apgar in the first minute #Apgar5 9 : Apgar in the fifth minute #-- Fetus/Neonate descriptors #Gest. weeks 41 : number of finished weeks of gestation #Weight(g) 4070 : birth weight in grams #Sex 2 : 1-female; 2-male #-- Maternal (risk-)factors #Age 28 : maternal age in time of delivery #Gravidity 1 : number of grav. including current one #Parity 0 : number of previous deliveries #Diabetes 0 : risk factor (0-no; 1-yes) #Hypertension 0 : risk factor (0-no; 1-yes) #Preeclampsia 0 : risk factor (0-no; 1-yes) #Liq. praecox 0 : risk factor (0-no; 1-yes) #Fever 0 : risk factor (0-no; 1-yes) #Meconium 1 : risk factor (0-no; 1-yes) #-- Delivery descriptors #Presentation 1 : Presentation of the fetus (1-normal???; 2-breech;3-other) #Induced 1 : Induction of delivery (0-no; 1-yes) #I.stage 225 : Total length of the 1st stage #NoProgress 0 : Delivery without progress as indicated by obstetrician #CK/KP 0 : Possible reason behind no-progress - CervicoKorporal or KefaloPelvina disproportion #II.stage 20 : Length of 2nd stage in minutes (if -1 there is was no 2nd stage) #Deliv. type 1 : Type of delivery (1-Vaginal; 2-CS;) #-- Signal information #dbID 1112241 : Database ID of the record (for internal use only) #Rec. type 2 : Type of recording 1-USG; 2-FECG; 12-Combined USG+FECG #Pos. II.st. 14400 : Position of 2nd stage in samples from the begining of the signal (if -1 there is was no 2nd stage) #Sig2Birth 1 : Distance of last sample of the signal from birth in minutes.