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Below you will find a software developed within the CTG group. The source is not provided for each of them, please do not hesitate to contact us in case of interest, comments, suggestions, or bugs.

CTU-BUH Cardiotocography Database

CTU_UHB database scheme Open-access, PhysioNet hosted, database of 552 CTG recordings with thorough objective and subjective annotation as well as with the comprehensive information on the delivery.

The database is available for download and is described in Chudáček2014.
Useful Matlab codes, to enable easier work with the data, can be found here.

Terms of use: The database is free to use for non-commercial purposes, given that any publication using the database refers to the publication:
V. Chudáček, J. Spilka, M. Burša, P. Janků, L. Hruban, M. Huptych, L. Lhotská. Open access intrapartum CTG database. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 2014 14:16.

Expert annotations for the CTU-UHB database

CTU_UHB database scheme

The CTGAnnotator was used to obtain annotation of the CTG recordings from nine expert-obstetricians. The CTGAnnotator presented the CTG trace in form of consecutive 30-minute windows together with basic clinical information. Each window was expected to be evaluated based on FIGO criteria by assigning it to one of the three classes (Normal/Suspicious/Pathological). For more information please refer to Hruban2015.

Annotations to download: ExpertAnnCTU-UHB-CTG.zip

Terms of use: The expert annotations are free to use for non-commercial purposes, given that any publication using the database refers to the publication:
L. Hruban, J. Spilka, V. Chudáček, P. Janků, et al. Agreement on intrapartum cardiotocogram recordings between expert obstetricians In Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 2015.

Delivery Book (in Czech only)

Delivery book is partial substitution of hospital information system (HIS) for purposes of storing important, delivery-related information, usable for further CTG research in a structured way.

It is very much different from the current, mostly free-text information systems used in the hospitals of the Czech Republic.

Click here to download and start EDB version 1.1.
Click here to download and start EDB Administrative application version 1.0.

CTG ViewerLite

CTG viewer picture The CTGViewerLite allows browsing of cardiotographic records from the CTG database. Its purpose is to show a fetal heart rate and uterine contractions together with a clinical information without the need of accessible Matlab.

The CTGViewerLite displays the CTG recordings in European format – 1 min./cm and 30 bpm/cm. Please note that the application was developed for research purposes only and is provided without any warranty. We appreciate any feedback regarding the application.

For the fast and easy installation see installation guide

CTG Annotator (in Czech and English)

CTG Annotator picture The CTGAnnotator is a software enabling us to obtain annotations from expert obstetricians as well as to get an insight to the clinical decision making process.

CTG Annotator is a software tool for acquisition of expert evaluation for CTU-BUH Cardiography Database. It is freely available to all non-commercial interpid explorers of CTG signals throughout the world. If you require your annotation results for further analysis please contact us for further info. The CTGAnnotator adopts the most commonly used display layout of CTG machines (European format – 1 min./cm and 30 bpm/cm), and therefore poses no difficulty for obstetricians to adjust. The initial and final run of the application needs an Internet connection, otherwise it is able to run in an off-line mode. The application is able, when connected to server, synchronize the data after each evaluated recording.